Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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1,233 lines
* store2.c: store code, entering, command interpreter, buying, selling
* Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
* This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
* not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
* included in all such copies.
#include "constant.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "externs.h"
#ifdef USG
#include <string.h>
#ifndef VMS
#include <strings.h>
#ifndef linux
long atol();
static const char *comment1[14] = {
"Done! ", "Accepted! ", "Fine. ", "Agreed! ", "Ok. ", "Taken! ",
"You drive a hard bargain, but taken. ",
"You'll force me bankrupt, but it's a deal. ", "Sigh. I'll take it. ",
"My poor sick children may starve, but done! ", "Finally! I accept. ",
"Robbed again. ", "A pleasure to do business with you! ",
"My spouse will skin me, but accepted. "
static const char *comment2a[3] = {
"%A2 is my final offer; take it or leave it.",
"I'll give you no more than %A2.",
"My patience grows thin. %A2 is final."
static const char *comment2b[16] = {
"%A1 for such a fine item? HA! No less than %A2.",
"%A1 is an insult! Try %A2 gold pieces.",
"%A1?!? Go try Londis instead!",
"Why, I'll take no less than %A2 gold pieces.",
"Ha! No less than %A2 gold pieces.",
"Thou knave! No less than %A2 gold pieces.",
"%A1 is far too little, how about %A2?",
"I paid more than %A1 for it myself, try %A2.",
"%A1 my arse! How about %A2 gold pieces?",
"As scrap this would bring %A1. Try %A2 in gold.",
"May the fleas of 1000 orcs molest you. I want %A2.",
"My mother you can get for %A1, this costs %A2.",
"May your most favourite parts go mouldy! I want %A2 in gold!",
"Sell this for such a pittance? Give me %A2 gold.",
"May Morgoth find you tasty! %A2 gold pieces?",
"Your mother was a Troll/Orc/Elf! %A2 or I'll tell."
static const char *comment3a[3] = {
"I'll pay no more than %A1; take it or leave it.",
"You'll get no more than %A1 from me.",
"%A1 and that's final."
static const char *comment3b[15] = {
"%A2 for that piece of junk? No more than %A1.",
"For %A2 I could own ten of those. Try %A1.",
"%A2? NEVER! %A1 is more like it.",
"Let's be reasonable...NOT! How about %A1 gold pieces?",
"%A1 gold for that! That's you, that is!.",
"%A1 gold pieces and be thankful for it!",
"%A1 gold pieces and not a copper more.",
"%A2 gold? HA! %A1 is more like it.", "Try about %A1 gold.",
"I wouldn't pay %A2 for your bottom, try %A1.",
"*CHOKE* For that!? Let's say %A1.", "How about %A1?",
"That looks war surplus! Say %A1 gold.",
"I'll buy it as scrap for %A1.",
"%A2 is too much, let us say %A1 gold."
static const char *comment4a[5] = {
"ENOUGH! You have abused me once too often!",
"THAT DOES IT! You shall waste my time no more!",
"This is getting nowhere. I'm going to Londis!",
"BAHAHAHAHAHA! No more shall you insult me!",
"Begone! I have had enough abuse for one day."
static const char *comment4b[5] = {
"Out of my place!", "out... Out... OUT!!!", "Come back tomorrow.",
"Leave my place. Begone!", "Come back when thou art richer."
static const char *comment5[10] = {
"You will have to do better than that!", "That's an insult!",
"Do you wish to do business or not?", "Hah! Try again.",
"Ridiculous!", "You've got to be kidding!", "You'd better be kidding!",
"You try my patience.", "I don't hear you.",
"Hmmm, nice weather we're having."
static const char *comment6[5] = {
"I must have heard you wrong.", "What was that?",
"I'm sorry, say that again.", "What did you say?",
"Sorry, what was that again?"
/* Lets do all prototypes correctly.... -CWS */
#ifndef NO_LINT_ARGS
#ifdef __STDC__
static void prt_comment2(int32, int32, int);
static void prt_comment3(int32, int32, int);
static void haggle_commands(int);
static void display_inventory(int, int);
static void display_cost(int, int);
static void display_store(int, int);
static int get_store_item(int *, const char *, int, int);
static int increase_insults(int);
static void decrease_insults(int);
static int haggle_insults(int);
static int get_haggle(const char *, int32 *, int, int32, int);
static int receive_offer(int, const char *, int32 *, int32, int, int, int32, int);
static int purchase_haggle(int, int32 *, inven_type *);
static int sell_haggle(int, int32 *, inven_type *);
static int store_purchase(int, int *);
static int store_sell(int, int *);
static void prt_comment2();
static void prt_comment3();
static void haggle_commands();
static void display_inventory();
static void display_cost();
static void display_store();
static int get_store_item();
static int increase_insults();
static void decrease_insults();
static int haggle_insults();
static int get_haggle();
static int receive_offer();
static int purchase_haggle();
static int sell_haggle();
static int store_purchase();
static int store_sell();
static void prt_comment1();
static void prt_comment4();
static void prt_comment5();
static void prt_comment6();
static void display_commands();
static void store_prt_gold();
/* Comments vary. -RAK- */
/* Comment one : Finished haggling */
static void
msg_print(comment1[randint(14) - 1]);
/* %A1 is offer, %A2 is asking. */
static void
prt_comment2(offer, asking, final)
int32 offer, asking;
int final;
vtype comment;
if (final > 0)
(void)strcpy(comment, comment2a[randint(3) - 1]);
(void)strcpy(comment, comment2b[randint(16) - 1]);
insert_lnum(comment, "%A1", offer, FALSE);
insert_lnum(comment, "%A2", asking, FALSE);
static void
prt_comment3(offer, asking, final)
int32 offer, asking;
int final;
vtype comment;
if (final > 0)
(void)strcpy(comment, comment3a[randint(3) - 1]);
(void)strcpy(comment, comment3b[randint(15) - 1]);
insert_lnum(comment, "%A1", offer, FALSE);
insert_lnum(comment, "%A2", asking, FALSE);
/* Kick 'da bum out. -RAK- */
static void
register int tmp;
tmp = randint(5) - 1;
static void
msg_print(comment5[randint(10) - 1]);
static void
msg_print(comment6[randint(5) - 1]);
/* Displays the set of commands -RAK- */
static void
prt("You may:", 20, 0);
if (is_home) {
prt(" g) Get an item. b) Browse through your home.", 21, 0);
prt(" d) Drop an item. i/e/t/w/x) Inventory/Equipment Lists.",
22, 0);
prt("ESC) Exit from your home. ^R) Redraw the screen.", 23, 0);
} else {
prt(" p) Purchase an item. b) Browse store's inventory.", 21, 0);
prt(" s) Sell an item. i/e/t/w/x) Inventory/Equipment Lists.",
22, 0);
prt("ESC) Exit from Building. ^R) Redraw the screen.", 23, 0);
/* Displays the set of commands -RAK- */
static void
int typ;
if (typ == -1)
prt("Specify an asking-price in gold pieces.", 21, 0);
prt("Specify an offer in gold pieces.", 21, 0);
prt("ESC) Quit Haggling.", 22, 0);
erase_line(23, 0); /* clear last line */
/* Displays a store's inventory -RAK- */
static void
display_inventory(store_num, start)
int store_num, start;
register store_type *s_ptr;
register inven_type *i_ptr;
register int i, j, stop;
bigvtype out_val1, out_val2;
int32 x;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
i = (start % 12);
stop = ((start / 12) + 1) * 12;
if (stop > s_ptr->store_ctr)
stop = s_ptr->store_ctr;
while (start < stop) {
i_ptr = &s_ptr->store_inven[start].sitem;
x = i_ptr->number;
if (!is_home) {
if ((i_ptr->subval >= ITEM_SINGLE_STACK_MIN)
&& (i_ptr->subval <= ITEM_SINGLE_STACK_MAX))
i_ptr->number = 1;
objdes(out_val1, i_ptr, TRUE);
i_ptr->number = x;
(void)sprintf(out_val2, "%c) %s", 'a' + i, out_val1);
prt(out_val2, i + 5, 0);
if (!is_home) {
x = s_ptr->store_inven[start].scost;
if (x < 0) {
int32 value = (int32)(-x);
value = value * chr_adj() / 100;
if (value <= 0)
value = 1;
(void)sprintf(out_val2, "%9ld", (long) value);
} else {
(void)sprintf(out_val2, "%9ld [Fixed]", (long) x);
prt(out_val2, i + 5, 59);
if (i < 12)
for (j = 0; j < (11 - i + 1); j++)
erase_line(j + i + 5, 0); /* clear remaining lines */
if (s_ptr->store_ctr > 12)
put_buffer("- cont. -", 17, 60);
erase_line(17, 60);
/* Re-displays only a single cost -RAK- */
static void
display_cost(store_num, pos)
int store_num, pos;
register int i;
register int32 j;
vtype out_val;
register store_type *s_ptr;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
i = (pos % 12);
if (s_ptr->store_inven[pos].scost < 0) {
j = (- (s_ptr->store_inven[pos]).scost);
j = j * chr_adj() / 100;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%ld", (long) j);
} else
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%9ld [Fixed]",
(long) (s_ptr->store_inven[pos]).scost);
prt(out_val, i + 5, 59);
/* Displays players gold -RAK- */
static void
vtype out_val;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Gold Remaining : %ld", (long)py.misc.au);
prt(out_val, 18, 17);
/* Displays store -RAK- */
static void
display_store(store_num, cur_top)
int store_num, cur_top;
register store_type *s_ptr;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
put_buffer(owners[s_ptr->owner].owner_name, 3, 9);
put_buffer("Item", 4, 3);
if (!is_home) {
put_buffer("Asking Price", 4, 60);
display_inventory(store_num, cur_top);
/* Get the ID of a store item and return it's value -RAK- */
static int
get_store_item(com_val, pmt, i, j)
int *com_val;
const char *pmt;
register int i, j;
char command;
vtype out_val;
register int flag;
*com_val = (-1);
flag = FALSE;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "(Items %c-%c, ESC to exit) %s", i + 'a', j + 'a', pmt);
while (get_com(out_val, &command)) {
command -= 'a';
if (command >= i && command <= j) {
flag = TRUE;
*com_val = command;
erase_line(MSG_LINE, 0);
return (flag);
/* Increase the insult counter and get angry if too many -RAK- */
static int
int store_num;
register int increase;
register store_type *s_ptr;
increase = FALSE;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
if (s_ptr->insult_cur > owners[s_ptr->owner].insult_max) {
s_ptr->insult_cur = 0;
s_ptr->good_buy = 0;
s_ptr->bad_buy = 0;
s_ptr->store_open = turn + 2500 + randint(2500);
increase = TRUE;
return (increase);
/* Decrease insults -RAK- */
static void
int store_num;
register store_type *s_ptr;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
if (s_ptr->insult_cur != 0)
/* Have insulted while haggling -RAK- */
static int
int store_num;
register int haggle;
haggle = FALSE;
if (increase_insults(store_num))
haggle = TRUE;
else {
msg_print(NULL); /* force display of insult... */
return (haggle);
static int
get_haggle(comment, new_offer, num_offer, price, final)
const char *comment;
int32 *new_offer;
int num_offer;
int32 price;
int final;
register int32 i;
vtype out_val;
char buf[100];
register int flag, clen;
register char *p;
static int32 last_inc = 0L;
int inc = FALSE;
flag = TRUE;
if (last_inc && !final)
(void)sprintf(buf, "%s [%c%ld] ", comment, (last_inc < 0) ? '-' : '+',
(last_inc < 0) ? (long)-last_inc : (long)last_inc);
(void)sprintf(buf, "%s [accept] ", comment);
clen = strlen(buf);
i = 0;
do {
prt(buf, 0, 0);
if (!get_string(out_val, 0, clen, 40))
flag = FALSE, last_inc = FALSE;
i = atol(out_val);
* don't allow incremental haggling, if player has not made an offer yet
for (p = out_val; *p == ' '; p++);
if (flag && num_offer == 0 && (*p == '+' || *p == '-')) {
msg_print("You haven't even made your first offer yet!");
i = 0;
if (last_inc && !i && !final)
i = last_inc, inc = TRUE;
else if (!i)
i = price;
} while (flag && !i);
if (flag) {
for (p = out_val; *p == ' '; p++);
if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')
*new_offer += i, last_inc = i;
else if (inc)
*new_offer += i, last_inc = i;
*new_offer = i, last_inc = 0;
} else
erase_line(0, 0);
return (flag);
static int
receive_offer(store_num, comment, new_offer, last_offer,
num_offer, factor, price, final)
int store_num;
const char *comment;
register int32 *new_offer, last_offer;
int num_offer, factor;
int32 price;
int final;
register int flag, receive;
receive = 0;
flag = FALSE;
do {
if (get_haggle(comment, new_offer, num_offer, price, final)) {
if (*new_offer * factor >= last_offer * factor)
flag = TRUE;
else if (haggle_insults(store_num)) {
receive = 2;
flag = TRUE;
} else
/* new_offer rejected, reset new_offer so that incremental haggling works correctly */
*new_offer = last_offer;
} else {
receive = 1;
flag = TRUE;
while (!flag);
return (receive);
/* Haggling routine -RAK- */
static int
purchase_haggle(store_num, price, item)
int store_num;
int32 *price;
inven_type *item;
int32 max_sell, min_sell, max_buy;
int32 cost, cur_ask, final_ask, min_offer;
int32 last_offer, new_offer;
int32 x1, x2, x3;
int32 min_per, max_per;
register int flag, loop_flag;
const char *comment;
vtype out_val;
int purchase, num_offer, final_flag, final = FALSE;
register store_type *s_ptr;
register owner_type *o_ptr;
flag = FALSE;
purchase = 0;
*price = 0;
final_flag = 0;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
o_ptr = &owners[s_ptr->owner];
cost = sell_price(store_num, &max_sell, &min_sell, item);
max_sell = max_sell * chr_adj() / 100;
if (max_sell <= 0)
max_sell = 1;
min_sell = min_sell * chr_adj() / 100;
if (min_sell <= 0)
min_sell = 1;
/* cast max_inflate to signed so that subtraction works correctly */
max_buy = cost * (200 - (int)o_ptr->max_inflate) / 100;
if (max_buy <= 0)
max_buy = 1;
min_per = o_ptr->haggle_per;
max_per = min_per * 3;
cur_ask = max_sell;
final_ask = min_sell;
min_offer = max_buy;
last_offer = min_offer;
new_offer = 0;
num_offer = 0; /* this prevents incremental haggling on first try */
comment = "Asking";
/* go right to final price if player has bargained well */
if (noneedtobargain(store_num, final_ask)) {
msg_print("After a long bargaining session, you agree upon the price.");
if (no_haggle_flag && min_sell > 10)
min_sell *= 1.10; /* not haggling penalty -CWS */
cur_ask = min_sell;
do {
do {
loop_flag = TRUE;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s : %ld", comment, (long)cur_ask);
put_buffer(out_val, 1, 0);
purchase = receive_offer(store_num, "What do you offer? ",
&new_offer, last_offer, num_offer,
1, cur_ask, final);
if (purchase != 0)
flag = TRUE;
else {
if (new_offer > cur_ask) {
/* rejected, reset new_offer for incremental haggling */
new_offer = last_offer;
} else if (new_offer == cur_ask) {
flag = TRUE;
*price = new_offer;
} else
loop_flag = FALSE;
while (!flag && loop_flag);
if (!flag) {
x1 = (new_offer - last_offer) * 100 / (cur_ask - last_offer);
if (x1 < min_per) {
flag = haggle_insults(store_num);
if (flag)
purchase = 2;
} else if (x1 > max_per) {
x1 = x1 * 75 / 100;
if (x1 < max_per)
x1 = max_per;
x2 = x1 + randint(5) - 3;
x3 = ((cur_ask - new_offer) * x2 / 100) + 1;
/* don't let the price go up */
if (x3 < 0)
x3 = 0;
cur_ask -= x3;
if (cur_ask < final_ask) {
final = TRUE;
cur_ask = final_ask;
comment = "Final Offer";
if (final_flag > 3) {
if (increase_insults(store_num))
purchase = 2;
purchase = 1;
flag = TRUE;
} else if (new_offer >= cur_ask) {
flag = TRUE;
*price = new_offer;
if (!flag) {
last_offer = new_offer;
num_offer++; /* enable incremental haggling */
erase_line(1, 0);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Your last offer : %ld", (long)last_offer);
put_buffer(out_val, 1, 39);
prt_comment2(last_offer, cur_ask, final_flag);
while (!flag);
/* update bargaining info */
if (purchase == 0)
updatebargain(store_num, *price, final_ask);
return (purchase);
/* Haggling routine -RAK- */
static int
sell_haggle(store_num, price, item)
int store_num;
int32 *price;
inven_type *item;
int32 max_sell = 0, max_buy = 0, min_buy = 0;
int32 cost = 0, cur_ask = 0, final_ask = 0, min_offer = 0;
int32 last_offer = 0, new_offer = 0;
int32 max_gold = 0;
int32 x1, x2, x3;
int32 min_per, max_per;
register int flag, loop_flag;
const char *comment;
vtype out_val;
register store_type *s_ptr;
register owner_type *o_ptr;
int sell, num_offer, final_flag, final = FALSE;
flag = FALSE;
sell = 0;
*price = 0;
final_flag = 0;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
cost = item_value(item);
if (cost < 1) {
sell = 3;
flag = TRUE;
} else {
o_ptr = &owners[s_ptr->owner];
cost = cost * (200 - chr_adj()) / 100;
cost = cost * (200 - rgold_adj[o_ptr->owner_race][py.misc.prace]) / 100;
if (cost < 1)
cost = 1;
max_sell = cost * o_ptr->max_inflate / 100;
/* cast max_inflate to signed so that subtraction works correctly */
max_buy = cost * (200 - (int)o_ptr->max_inflate) / 100;
min_buy = cost * (200 - (int)o_ptr->min_inflate) / 100;
if (min_buy < 1)
min_buy = 1;
if (max_buy < 1)
max_buy = 1;
if (min_buy < max_buy)
min_buy = max_buy;
min_per = o_ptr->haggle_per;
max_per = min_per * 3;
max_gold = o_ptr->max_cost;
if (!flag) {
if (max_buy > max_gold) {
final_flag = 1;
final = TRUE;
comment = "Final Offer";
cur_ask = max_gold;
final_ask = max_gold;
msg_print("I am sorry, but I have not the money to afford such a fine item.");
} else {
cur_ask = max_buy;
final_ask = min_buy;
if (final_ask > max_gold)
final_ask = max_gold;
comment = "Offer";
/* go right to final price if player has bargained well */
if (noneedtobargain(store_num, final_ask)) {
msg_print("After a long bargaining session, you agree upon the price.");
if (no_haggle_flag && final_ask > 10)
final_ask *= .90; /* not haggling penalty -CWS */
cur_ask = final_ask;
min_offer = max_sell;
last_offer = min_offer;
new_offer = 0;
num_offer = 0; /* this prevents incremental haggling on first try */
if (cur_ask < 1)
cur_ask = 1;
do {
do {
loop_flag = TRUE;
(void)sprintf(out_val, "%s : %ld", comment, (long)cur_ask);
put_buffer(out_val, 1, 0);
sell = receive_offer(store_num, "What price do you ask? ",
&new_offer, last_offer, num_offer,
-1, cur_ask, final);
if (sell != 0)
flag = TRUE;
else {
if (new_offer < cur_ask) {
/* rejected, reset new_offer for incremental haggling */
new_offer = last_offer;
} else if (new_offer == cur_ask) {
flag = TRUE;
*price = new_offer;
} else
loop_flag = FALSE;
while (!flag && loop_flag);
if (!flag) {
x1 = (last_offer - new_offer) * 100 / (last_offer - cur_ask);
if (x1 < min_per) {
flag = haggle_insults(store_num);
if (flag)
sell = 2;
} else if (x1 > max_per) {
x1 = x1 * 75 / 100;
if (x1 < max_per)
x1 = max_per;
x2 = x1 + randint(5) - 3;
x3 = ((new_offer - cur_ask) * x2 / 100) + 1;
/* don't let the price go down */
if (x3 < 0)
x3 = 0;
cur_ask += x3;
if (cur_ask > final_ask) {
cur_ask = final_ask;
final = TRUE;
comment = "Final Offer";
if (final_flag > 3) {
if (increase_insults(store_num))
sell = 2;
sell = 1;
flag = TRUE;
} else if (new_offer <= cur_ask) {
flag = TRUE;
*price = new_offer;
if (!flag) {
last_offer = new_offer;
num_offer++; /* enable incremental haggling */
erase_line(1, 0);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Your last bid %ld", (long)last_offer);
put_buffer(out_val, 1, 39);
prt_comment3(cur_ask, last_offer, final_flag);
while (!flag);
/* update bargaining info */
if (sell == 0)
updatebargain(store_num, *price, final_ask);
return (sell);
/* Buy an item from a store -RAK- */
static int
store_purchase(store_num, cur_top)
int store_num;
int *cur_top;
int32 price;
register int i, choice;
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
register store_type *s_ptr;
inven_type sell_obj;
register inven_record *r_ptr;
int item_val, item_new, purchase;
purchase = FALSE;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
/* i == number of objects shown on screen */
if (*cur_top == 12)
i = s_ptr->store_ctr - 1 - 12;
else if (s_ptr->store_ctr > 11)
i = 11;
i = s_ptr->store_ctr - 1;
if (s_ptr->store_ctr < 1) {
if (is_home)
msg_print("Your home is empty.");
msg_print("I am currently out of stock.");
/* Get the item number to be bought */
else if (get_store_item(&item_val,
is_home ? "Which item do you want to take? " :
"Which item are you interested in? ", 0, i)) {
item_val = item_val + *cur_top; /* TRUE item_val */
take_one_item(&sell_obj, &s_ptr->store_inven[item_val].sitem);
if (inven_check_num(&sell_obj)) {
if (!is_home) {
if (s_ptr->store_inven[item_val].scost > 0) {
price = s_ptr->store_inven[item_val].scost;
choice = 0;
} else
choice = purchase_haggle(store_num, &price, &sell_obj);
if (choice == 0) {
if (py.misc.au >= price) {
py.misc.au -= price;
item_new = inven_carry(&sell_obj);
i = s_ptr->store_ctr;
store_destroy(store_num, item_val, TRUE);
inventory[item_new].inscrip[0] = 0;
objdes(tmp_str, &inventory[item_new], TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have %s (%c)",
tmp_str, item_new + 'a');
prt(out_val, 0, 0);
if (*cur_top >= s_ptr->store_ctr) {
*cur_top = 0;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
} else {
r_ptr = &s_ptr->store_inven[item_val];
if (i == s_ptr->store_ctr) {
if (r_ptr->scost < 0) {
r_ptr->scost = price;
display_cost(store_num, item_val);
} else
display_inventory(store_num, item_val);
} else {
if (increase_insults(store_num))
purchase = TRUE;
else {
msg_print("Liar! You have not the gold!");
} else if (choice == 2)
purchase = TRUE;
} else { /* is_home... */
item_new = inven_carry(&sell_obj);
i = s_ptr->store_ctr;
store_destroy(store_num, item_val, TRUE);
objdes(tmp_str, &inventory[item_new], TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You have %s (%c)",
tmp_str, item_new + 'a');
prt(out_val, 0, 0);
if (*cur_top >= s_ptr->store_ctr) {
*cur_top = 0;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
} else {
r_ptr = &s_ptr->store_inven[item_val];
#if 0
if (i == s_ptr->store_ctr) {
if (r_ptr->scost < 0) {
r_ptr->scost = price;
display_cost(store_num, item_val);
} else
display_inventory(store_num, item_val);
/* Less intuitive, but looks better here than in purchase_haggle. */
erase_line(1, 0);
} else
prt("You cannot carry that many different items.", 0, 0);
return (purchase);
/* Sell an item to the store -RAK- */
static int
store_sell(store_num, cur_top)
int store_num, *cur_top;
int item_val, item_pos;
int32 price;
bigvtype out_val, tmp_str;
inven_type sold_obj;
register int sell, choice, test;
sell = FALSE;
for (item_val = 0, test = FALSE; (!test && (item_val < inven_ctr)); item_val++)
test = (*store_buy[store_num]) (inventory[item_val].tval);
if (inven_ctr < 1)
msg_print("You aren't carrying anything.");
else if (!test)
msg_print("You have nothing that I want.");
else if (get_item(&item_val, "Which one? ", 0,
inven_ctr - 1, (store_buy[store_num]))) {
take_one_item(&sold_obj, &inventory[item_val]);
objdes(tmp_str, &sold_obj, TRUE);
if (!is_home) {
(void)sprintf(out_val, "Selling %s (%c)", tmp_str, item_val + 'a');
if ((*store_buy[store_num]) (sold_obj.tval))
if (store_check_num(&sold_obj, store_num)) {
if (!is_home) {
choice = sell_haggle(store_num, &price, &sold_obj);
if (choice == 0) {
int32 cost;
int32 real;
py.misc.au += price;
cost = item_value(&sold_obj);
/* identify object in inventory to set object_ident */
/* retake sold_obj so that it will be identified */
take_one_item(&sold_obj, &inventory[item_val]);
/* call known2 for store item, so charges/pluses are known */
real = item_value(&sold_obj);
objdes(tmp_str, &sold_obj, TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You've sold %s. ", tmp_str);
if (real == 0) {
switch (randint(4)) {
case 1:
msg_print("You hear a shriek!");
case 2:
msg_print("You bastard!");
case 3:
msg_print("You hear sobs coming from the back of the store...");
case 4:
} else if (real < cost) {
switch (randint(3)) {
case 1:
msg_print("You hear someone swearing...");
case 2:
msg_print("You hear mumbled curses...");
case 3:
msg_print("The shopkeeper glares at you.");
} else if (real > (4 * cost)) {
switch (randint(4)) {
case 1:
msg_print("You hear someone jumping for joy!");
case 2:
case 3:
msg_print("I think I'll retire!");
case 4:
msg_print("The shopkeeper smiles gleefully!");
} else if (real > cost) {
switch (randint(4)) {
case 1:
msg_print("You hear someone giggling");
case 2:
msg_print("You've made my day!");
case 3:
msg_print("What a fool!");
case 4:
msg_print("The shopkeeper laughs loudly!");
store_carry(store_num, &item_pos, &sold_obj);
if (item_pos >= 0) {
if (item_pos < 12)
if (*cur_top < 12)
display_inventory(store_num, item_pos);
else {
*cur_top = 0;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
else if (*cur_top > 11)
display_inventory(store_num, item_pos);
else {
*cur_top = 12;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
} else if (choice == 2)
sell = TRUE;
else if (choice == 3) {
msg_print("How dare you!");
msg_print("I will not buy that!");
sell = increase_insults(store_num);
/* Less intuitive, but looks better here than in sell_haggle. */
erase_line(1, 0);
} else { /* is_home... */
/* retake sold_obj so that it will be identified */
take_one_item(&sold_obj, &inventory[item_val]);
objdes(tmp_str, &sold_obj, TRUE);
(void)sprintf(out_val, "You drop %s", tmp_str);
store_carry(store_num, &item_pos, &sold_obj);
if (item_pos >= 0) {
if (item_pos < 12)
if (*cur_top < 12)
display_inventory(store_num, item_pos);
else {
*cur_top = 0;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
else if (*cur_top > 11)
display_inventory(store_num, item_pos);
else {
*cur_top = 12;
display_inventory(store_num, *cur_top);
/* Less intuitive, but looks better here than in sell_haggle. */
erase_line(1, 0);
} else {
if (is_home)
msg_print("Your home is full.");
msg_print("I have not the room in my store to keep it.");
else {
if (is_home)
msg_print("Whoops! Cock up.");
msg_print("I do not buy such items.");
return (sell);
/* Entering a store -RAK- */
int store_num;
int cur_top, tmp_chr;
char command;
register int exit_flag;
register store_type *s_ptr;
s_ptr = &store[store_num];
if (store_num == 7)
is_home = TRUE;
is_home = FALSE;
if (s_ptr->store_open < turn) {
exit_flag = FALSE;
cur_top = 0;
display_store(store_num, cur_top);
do {
move_cursor(20, 9);
/* clear the msg flag just like we do in dungeon.c */
msg_flag = FALSE;
if (get_com(NULL, &command)) {
switch (command) {
case 'b':
if (cur_top == 0)
if (s_ptr->store_ctr > 12) {
cur_top = 12;
display_inventory(store_num, cur_top);
} else
msg_print("Entire inventory is shown.");
else {
cur_top = 0;
display_inventory(store_num, cur_top);
case 'E':
case 'e': /* Equipment List */
case 'I':
case 'i': /* Inventory */
case 'T':
case 't': /* Take off */
case 'W':
case 'w': /* Wear */
case 'X':
case 'x': /* Switch weapon */
tmp_chr = py.stats.use_stat[A_CHR];
do {
in_store_flag = TRUE;
command = doing_inven;
in_store_flag = FALSE;
while (command);
/* redisplay store prices if charisma changes */
if (tmp_chr != py.stats.use_stat[A_CHR])
display_inventory(store_num, cur_top);
free_turn_flag = FALSE; /* No free moves here. -CJS- */
case 'g':
if (!is_home)
exit_flag = store_purchase(store_num, &cur_top);
case 'p':
if (is_home)
exit_flag = store_purchase(store_num, &cur_top);
case 's':
if (is_home)
exit_flag = store_sell(store_num, &cur_top);
case 'd':
if (!is_home)
exit_flag = store_sell(store_num, &cur_top);
} else
exit_flag = TRUE;
while (!exit_flag);
/* Can't save and restore the screen, because inven_command does that. */
} else
msg_print("The doors are locked.");